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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Section 3 Right Sleeve Panel:

Section 3 Schematic
Above is the Section 3 Schematic.  The arrows in the centre of the drawing indicate the knitting direction of each section.  Stitches are picked up and knit along the left side of section 2, then the stitches on the scrap yarn for the Right Side of the Neck are transferred to a second needle (remember the right side of neck refers to the side of the neck when the sweater/jacket is worn, not the picture.)  There is a "Note" in both patterns that clarifies the reference to the right or left side of the knitting section and the Right/Left Side of the worn garment. 
Picking up along the Left Side of Back Neck Panel
and the stitches from scrap yarn on right side of neck

The picture to the left shows the picking up along the left side of Section 2 onto the first double point needle and the transfer from the scrap yarn to the second double pointed needle.  The pick-up and knit on the side of the Back Neck Panel and the transferred stitches from the scrap yarn that is knit across to complete the row will replace the first row of the Garter/Seed Stitch Pattern that will be worked on the Right Sleeve Panel.  Once again, that is the reason for starting the pattern repeat with Row 2. 

Note: Double pointed needles are recommended for Section 3 as the rows are shorter.  If you do not have double points or prefer a circular it will work as well, just use the second circular to transfer the side neck stitches for the first row.

To the left is the completed Section 3.  You will note that there is one stitch remaining.  The pattern states, do not break yarn.
Section 3 is complete.
I will wait until Tuesday to post the next section.  Have a good couple of knitting days.   I am getting anxious to see your work and/or answer your questions.  If you want to post your own pictures and progress reports just send me your email and I will send you an invite to join in as an Author.  When you recieve the invite, just sign in to your google account and go for it, you may have to create an account if you don't have one, but that is free, no problem.  If you prefer not to sign in to this blog just send me your pictures and progress reports and I will prepare a post for you.  You can also make a comment in the comment section.  My email is posted on the top right-hand side of the blog.


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