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Thursday, September 2, 2010

SECTION 5 Left Sleeve Panel

Section # 5 Schematic
You are beginning the second sleeve panel.  Hopefully this will be easy as you have already done the Section 3 Right Sleeve Panel.

On Section 5 you begin by transferring the Left Side of Neck stitches onto a double pointed needle.  Then you pick up and knit the required number of stitches along the right side of the Back Neck Panel.  The reason that you do not have to knit across the Left Side of Neck stitches is that you have already knit them when you did the set-up for the Section 2 Back Neck Panel.  Therefore the stitches already knit on the Left Side of the Neck and the Picked-up and Knit stitches along the back neck panel will replace Row 1 on the first set of 6 Garter/Seed Stitch Pattern.  Once again, that is why you start with Row 2 of the 6 Row pattern. 

Work the panel as instructed for the size that you are working, don't forget that at the end of Section 5 you are told Do Not Break Yarn.

Section 5 is complete.

I think you will now start to see just how the cardigan/jacket will look.

Keep on knitting,  Mommabear will be back Saturday with Section 6 Sleeve and Back Panel.

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