Join the KAL

If you want to join the group send me your email and I will add you as an Author, which will let you post your progress, comments, questions or Pictures.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wrap Up of KAL

I am posting the schematics in the order worked.   Hope you come back again for reference.   If you have any questions, comments, pictures, send them to me and I will post them, or, you can contact me, I will send you an invite to be an Author on this blog.  You will need a Google membership to sign in but your input will be much appreciated. 

It was fun, hope you all enjoyed the journey.    ---- MommaBearKnits

Baby/Junior Compass Drawing

Section 1 Neckband
Section 2 Back Neck Panel

Section 3 Right Sleeve Panel

Section 4 Right Front Panel

Section 5 Left Sleeve Panel

Section 6 Sleeves & Back Panel

Section 7 Left Front Panel

Section 8 Body
Hopefully, this will be the first of many KAL's.

Hat & Finishing Cardigan/Jacket

Sleeve needs 3-needle cast-off
The picture is self explanatory.  The sleeve seams need to be closed using the 3-needle cast-off.  First you have to turn the garment inside out. 
The 3-needle cast-off in progress.  It is pretty straight forward. There are web sites that have videos if you are not familiar with the process, just search for "3 needle cast off" and you will find several.  The stitches are transferred to each of the two circular needles and they are held parallel to each other.  The cast-off is explained in the pattern Finishing Section.  When the cast-off is complete then the remaining tail is used to close the underarm gap, then it is finished off.  The second sleeve is worked the same.  Now all you have to do weave in the other ends of yarn and sew on the buttons. 

Baby/Junior Compass is finished.  Hope you want to take the journey again and again.

Now, there is a hat too.  I knit the hat in size small as my project is size 3-6 mos.  It is pretty easy, especially now that you have become familiar with the Garter/Seed Stitch Pattern.

The cast-on stitches for the hat is an uneven number of stitches to accommodate the seed stitch in the pattern.  If you look carefully at the picture above you will see that the pattern is on the inside of the band.  That is so that the band can be turned back over the ribbing when the hat is complete.   Before beginning the K2, P2 ribbing, you increase with a M1 stitch to accommodate the 4 stitch repeat of the ribbing.  Pretty simple.  After completing the body of the hat, the top is worked with 8 stitches decreased every other row.  That makes the top of the hat flat. 

Now I will show you my finished project:

I purchased little flower style buttons.  I liked them on the cardigan so much that I put them on the hat as well.  Just because I found them to be cute.  The pattern does not show buttons on the hat, but you can do what you want to dress up the project.  Use your imagination. 

I like the hat with the buttons.  Why don't you try flowers, beads, lady bugs, etc. 

Next post will be tomorrow.  I will show the complete schematic collection in the order that they are worked.  That may be of help down the road. 

MommaBear is moving on to complete Miss Emilee and then she will work on an adult style Compass pattern. 

MommaBearKnits --------

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Picture from Kim

I received a picture from Kim, a participant in the KAL.  It looks great.  Hope she likes it as much as I do.

Kim's Project

Thanks Kim, let's hear from the others.  I am truly interested in the colours and sizes that where knit.

MommaBearKnits ---

Section 8 - THE END IS NEAR

Final Section - 8
Now the last section is at the post.   At the end of Section 7 you were instructed to transfer the Left Front stitches to the longer circular needle.  In the schematic above you will see the front stitches at the bottom of Section 7, the yarn will still be attached to the buttonband of the section.  Next, with RS facing, you will transfer the centre back stitches that are along the top of section 6 in the schematic to the same circular needle.  Then you will transfer the front stitches that are shown at the bottom of Section 4 to the circular needle.  The pattern will give you the required number of stitches on the needle.  Don't miss the "Note" about the placement of the buttonholes along both buttonbands. 

Section 8 Stitches on Circular Needle
The picture above displays the final section ready to knit down from the underarms.  Remember, to place the buttonholes every eleventh garterstitch ridge.  The finished length is stated as being approximate to accommodate the pattern repeats; the buttonhole placements and the fact that you are required to finish on row 2 of the pattern.  So if it is a little over or a little shorter than the recommendation, no problem.  It is a good idea to have at least one pattern repeat after the last buttonhole, if more is necessary to come close to the measurements, no problem. 

Knitting done, minimal finishing next.
I will post the final step tomorrow.  It will include the underarm 3-needle cast-off, the buttons sewn on and the yarn ends worked in.  I wish there was a way to avoid the sewing in of the ends, but I have not come up with that yet.  I purchased the buttons today, so there will be a final photo tomorrow as well.
  I will also post a complete set of schematics, in the order that they are worked, FYI. 

Until tomorrow, keep on knitting ----- Mommabear will.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Section 7 Left Front Panel

Section 7 Schematic

Butterscotch - Project Moderator
Butterscotch has an errata notice re: Section 7:

The corrected pattern has been downloaded to Patternfish. 

"In the Left Front Pattern Box,  Row 5 begins with K6 - it should begin with K1B, K5. "

Thanks to Kim, a participant, for pointing it out to me.   Now lets continue the journey.

Picked-up Stitches for Section 7
The Left Front stitches are transferred to the shorter circular needle from the scrap yarn, the yarn is attached and the rest of the stitches are picked-up and knit along the right side of the Left Sleeve Panel on the same needle.  The front stitches have already been knit when working the set up row for Section 2-Back Neck Panel, and the picked-up and knit along the right side of the Left Sleeve Panel, together, they replace the first row of the 6 row pattern repeat.  I will say it for the last time, begin with Row 2 of the pattern repeat. 

Section 7 Completed
At the end of Section 7, you are instructed "Do Not Break Yarn".  The last row of section 7 after working a WS row,  ends at the front buttonband.   The front stitches are transferred to the longer circular needle and the sleeve stitches are transferred to scrap yarn.  You will also notice in the picture that there is one long tail at the edge of each sleeve.  I mention that before, but just wanted to point it out one more time. 

Tomorrow I will post the final Section 8, then there will be the finishing of the cardigan/jacket and a quick review of the total project. A KAL of the hat will be posted as well.  Baby/Junior Compass will be keeping a lot of babies/toddlers/children warm this fall and into the winter.  I HOPE. 

See you again tomorrow, MommaBearKnits.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Section 6 Sleeve & Back Panel

 Section 6 Schematic
Section 6 Sleeves & Back Panel is worked arcross the back of the garment and the back of the sleeves.  It is the widest section so far.  You are truly on the home stretch.  The picked-up and knit stitches along the Left Side of the Left Sleeve Panel; the Centre Back Panel stitches that are transferred to a double pointed needle and knit across; the picked-up and knit stitches along the Right Side of the Right Sleeve Panel are now on the longer circular needle and form the first row of the first pattern repeat.  Thus you start with Row 2 of the 6 Row Pattern.  You will also notice that you are not to work the Yfwd, Sl 1 at the end of each row and you do not K1B at the beginning.  The end of these rows are the edge of the sleeve and I chose just to end the sleeves with a seed stitch/garterstitch edge.

Picked-up and knit stitches on the circular needle.

Section 6 complete
The short row sleeve shaping is worked on both ends of this section. The number of short rows are specified in the pattern that you are using. (Baby or Junior Compass).

Please note that you end the final row at the end of the sleeve, leaving a long tail for the 3-needle cast off.  If you look closely at the picture above you will notice that there is one long tail at the end of each sleeve section.  Also note that it is a good idea to wind the tail up and pin it to the end of the sleeve until you begin the 3-needle cast off, to keep it neat and out of the way while you work the rest of the garment.

Well, section 6 is complete.  I will come back Monday with Section 7.  Then the finishing will be done -----
I also intend to work the hat, it is pretty easy, but it is part of the pattern.   

Keep on knitting, it is cool this morning in Lake Country, a good day for knitting.

Just a view of the project that does look like a cardigan/jacket finally.  Section 7 will complete the Left Front Panel that is missing in this photograph.  I just wanted you to see that all is not in vain, it really is a cardigan/jacket and not just a journey to the ends of the earth and back again.

------- MommaBearKnits

Thursday, September 2, 2010

SECTION 5 Left Sleeve Panel

Section # 5 Schematic
You are beginning the second sleeve panel.  Hopefully this will be easy as you have already done the Section 3 Right Sleeve Panel.

On Section 5 you begin by transferring the Left Side of Neck stitches onto a double pointed needle.  Then you pick up and knit the required number of stitches along the right side of the Back Neck Panel.  The reason that you do not have to knit across the Left Side of Neck stitches is that you have already knit them when you did the set-up for the Section 2 Back Neck Panel.  Therefore the stitches already knit on the Left Side of the Neck and the Picked-up and Knit stitches along the back neck panel will replace Row 1 on the first set of 6 Garter/Seed Stitch Pattern.  Once again, that is why you start with Row 2 of the 6 Row pattern. 

Work the panel as instructed for the size that you are working, don't forget that at the end of Section 5 you are told Do Not Break Yarn.

Section 5 is complete.

I think you will now start to see just how the cardigan/jacket will look.

Keep on knitting,  Mommabear will be back Saturday with Section 6 Sleeve and Back Panel.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Section 4 - Right Front Panel

The journey is moving along -----

Section 4 Schematic
Now we are moving into the interesting part of the jouney.  Remember there was one stitch remaining on the needle when you completed Section 3.  That stitch is transferred, as instructed in both patterns (Baby & Junior Compass).  That single stitch is included with the picked-up and knit stitches when you count the total stitches on the longer circular needle.  Please make sure that you have the specified number of stitches on the needle before proceeding with Section 4.  If you find that there are one more or one less stitches on the needle just adjust by a K2tog, or a M1 on the first row worked of section 4, as the numbers are necessary to work the seed stitch and the front band.  You will notice that the seed stitch following the garter stitch band begins with a Purl stitch, that will keep the garter stitch band at 6 stitches. 

Picked-up stitches for Section 4
The picture shows the stitches picked-up along the side of the Right Sleeve Panel on the longer circular needle and the Right Front Stitches transferred to a double pointed needle, ready to be knit across.  Once again the picked-up stitches and the transferred stitches will replace Row 1 of the first pattern repeat.
The first row of the short row shaping is also a buttonhole row.  Depending on the size the number of short rows are mapped out in the Pattern Instructions. 

Section 4 Completed
When working the short row shaping a marker is placed after 6 stitches are worked on the following row, that will make the next Wrap and Turn in the proper position.  I chose to place the markers to avoid counting the last stitches in multiples of 6 at the end of the short rows before the Wrap and Turn.   The tail that is left after the final row is worked is extra long to enable the 3-needle cast on to be worked at the sleeve seam.  (In the picutre above it does not show as it is under the section.  If you find that it gets in the way while working the rest of the cardigan/jacket it can be wrapped around the fingers and pinned with a safety pin to the end of the sleeve until the garment is completed.  There are reasons for the long tail. 1) when the 3-needle cast-off is completed there will be no ends to work in at the end of the sleeve, that will give a nice smooth edge to the sleeve; 2) There will then be a yarn end to sew up the gap at the underarm.  3) The number of threads to end will be reduced although not eliminated completely.  I will post the next section Thursday.  Keep on knitting. 

Section 4 is completed ----

Mommabear keeps on knitting ----  See you all Thursday

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Section 3 Right Sleeve Panel:

Section 3 Schematic
Above is the Section 3 Schematic.  The arrows in the centre of the drawing indicate the knitting direction of each section.  Stitches are picked up and knit along the left side of section 2, then the stitches on the scrap yarn for the Right Side of the Neck are transferred to a second needle (remember the right side of neck refers to the side of the neck when the sweater/jacket is worn, not the picture.)  There is a "Note" in both patterns that clarifies the reference to the right or left side of the knitting section and the Right/Left Side of the worn garment. 
Picking up along the Left Side of Back Neck Panel
and the stitches from scrap yarn on right side of neck

The picture to the left shows the picking up along the left side of Section 2 onto the first double point needle and the transfer from the scrap yarn to the second double pointed needle.  The pick-up and knit on the side of the Back Neck Panel and the transferred stitches from the scrap yarn that is knit across to complete the row will replace the first row of the Garter/Seed Stitch Pattern that will be worked on the Right Sleeve Panel.  Once again, that is the reason for starting the pattern repeat with Row 2. 

Note: Double pointed needles are recommended for Section 3 as the rows are shorter.  If you do not have double points or prefer a circular it will work as well, just use the second circular to transfer the side neck stitches for the first row.

To the left is the completed Section 3.  You will note that there is one stitch remaining.  The pattern states, do not break yarn.
Section 3 is complete.
I will wait until Tuesday to post the next section.  Have a good couple of knitting days.   I am getting anxious to see your work and/or answer your questions.  If you want to post your own pictures and progress reports just send me your email and I will send you an invite to join in as an Author.  When you recieve the invite, just sign in to your google account and go for it, you may have to create an account if you don't have one, but that is free, no problem.  If you prefer not to sign in to this blog just send me your pictures and progress reports and I will prepare a post for you.  You can also make a comment in the comment section.  My email is posted on the top right-hand side of the blog.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Journey Begins ---- Section 1 & 2

Butterscotch has volunteered to be the Host for this event.  He is wearing the smallest sample of Baby Compass for this assignment and he loves it.  Butterscotch will oversee the journey and keep us on track.
This post will combine Section 1 (Neckband) and Section 2 (Back Neck Panel) as they are pretty quick and easy to follow.  I am new at this kind of event and I hope it will be enjoyed as a KAL and also a reference for knitters to check out in the future.

Each posting will contain the current section schematic, picture, comments and explanations as to the method and reasons for doing so .  Questions, participants post and pictures are welcome, the more the better. There are eight sections in total and then there is a hat.  Welcome.

Are you ready, let the journey begin -----

Section  1:  Neckband. 

The pattern begins with the cast-on for the neckband.  There are 5 sizes in each version.  The first buttonholes are worked in the neckband.  Buttons will be sewn over the buttonholes on the left band for girls and on the right band for boys.  Your choice of pattern and size will give you the cast on #'s.
Section 1
Section 1 Schematic

The neckband instruction in the pattern is pretty straight forward.   Next -  move on to Section 2:

Section 2 Back Neck Panel

The Set Up Row for section 2 provides the number of stitches for the Left Front, the Left Side of Neck, Back Neck Panel, the Right Side of Neck and the Right Front.

You will note that there is a M1 in the centre of the Back Neck Panel.

Reason for MI:   The cast on for the neck band must be an even number of stitches to accommodate the K2, P2 rib and the two buttonbands that are equal to each other, however, the overall pattern for the cardigan/jacket contains a three row repeat of the seed stitch.  Seed stitch is worked on a (K1, P1) repeat to last stitch, then K1.  That requires an odd number of stitches, thus the M1 in the centre back.

Close-Up of Garter/Seed Pattern.
Section 2 (Back Neck Panel):  The pattern repeat begins with the second row of the panel pattern.  The reason for this is that the stitches that are knit across the neckband to do the set up replace the first row of the pattern, thus you start with row 2.  Each pattern lists the number of pattern repeats for the required size which include that first set up row.

You will notice that in each panel the first stitch is a K1B and the last stitch is Yfwd, Sl 1.  This creates a nice edge for the garterstitch buttonbands and also makes an easy edge to pick up stitches along the sides of the panels.

Section 2 ends with the final row of the Garter/Seed Stitch Pattern which is a (WS) row.  Break Yarn. 
----- End of Section 2 - ---------

Section 3 Right Sleeve Panel will begin tomorrow, as it won't take long to work the first two sections.  More time will be allowed for sections that take more time to complete.  If you fall behind, no problem, the detailed posts will be available as a reference in the future. 

Have a great day, knitting. 

- MommaBearKnits------

Friday, August 27, 2010


I have started my sample.  I am using a white DK yarn and working the Baby Compass.  Both versions will be discussed as the journey progresses.  The first post will be Saturday morning.   I will work each section, photograph it, post a schematic for the particular section and also include my reasons for what and why I did what I did.  I will also welcome questions and pictures.  One thing I would recommend for the first time, is use a solid colour yarn as self patterning yarn does not let the textured pattern stand out.  I have done them in varigated/self patterning yarn and they are nice too, but more difficult to count pattern repeats.  I have not yet tried using more than one colour, perhaps that will happen somewhere down the road, or a member of this group just may try it. 

Join me tomorrow morning the jouney begins, MommaBearKnits
The KAL for the Junior Compass looks like a lot of fun.

Knitting in all directions is always interesting and really good for getting an exact fit. I've knit your Baby J and the adult JJ Jacket and I'm looking forward to knitting a multi-directional sweater with a stitch pattern on it.

I found a photo of the Baby Compass sweaters that MommaBear knit.
Lookin' good.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Working on It.

I am going to start working a Compass Pattern.  Baby and Junior Compass is contructed the same and the Sections 1 - 8 will be knit, and shown step by step over the next month.  I will include, schematics for each section and plenty of photos.  I will also welcome photos from followers as well.  Keep watching, it will begin very very soon.   MommaBearKnits